Thursday, 27 December 2012


is it just me, or is being in someone elses house, wide awake, while they sleep pretty awkward? im bored, hungry and thristy but i cant go get things to eat because its not my house... -.- the funny thing is normally i sleep more than the person whos house im at, but they went to bed before i fell asleep and ive been up for an hour while they sleep. its very uncomfortable when you have nothing to do..

Monday, 24 December 2012

to ye all who celebrate..

happy channakua, kuanza, ramadan?(not sure if right season..) and of course, merry christmas. i practice no religion, but i find that the meaning of the holidays is the same. to spend time with the people we love ad be thankful that its possible. i for one am very thankful, and have celebrated with my dads whole family tonight. tomorrow morning i will wake up and celebrate with my mom and brother, and then celebrated his 13th birthday. man time flies. well, thats all. feliz navidad and all that jazz!

Thursday, 20 December 2012

free at last

finally! ive just finished my final exam for this semester! no more tears, until the end of next semester :P  now i have two weeks away from school to relax and catch up on writers craft assignments. but for today, i will have christmas dinner with the lovely people of the routes youth centre. if you live in hamilton/dundas, support it guys, best way to keep teens happy and out of trouble is to give them a place they love!!

Wednesday, 19 December 2012


if you're a music lover, then you will understand this. there is a great feeling when you rediscover a song you had forgotten existed. i think that music has changed a lot over the years, but the one thing that never changes is the appreciation we have for a good song. growing up i was introduced to music from my parents generation, and that helped shape my musical taste. i know everyone's taste in music differs, and with so many different choices out there, how can it not? i like new music, and even love some of the artists out there, but i find music before the year 2000 was very different, and a lot of the time i gravitate towards music from the 80's, 90's, though i so also enjoy early 2000's music. i feel that around this point music started to change. it became less about the lyrics and more about the commercialism. "what sells" verses "what makes good music." and as we can see now with stars like Nikki Manaj, there is a total lack of meaning to anything coming out of their mouths. I'm sorry, but as a nineteen year old girl who grew up with parents born and raised on the music of the seventies and eighties, i see that the music my generation, and the generations under us listen to, and hope to god that some people come along and smack some sense into not only the teens,kids and young adults, but also to those people writing, producing and singing this music. singers like rhianna, they need to learn that just because they have a nice body desnt mean they need to use it to sell their music. maybe if they stopped objectifying themselves, and setting back the ideals of women and all that we have worked to achieve over the years, AND STOPPED SINGING ABOUT SEX maybe i would like her. because right now i cant stand her. in saying this, there are some artists who, though they may also sing about sex occasionally  have songs that have meaningful or relatable lyrics. you can sing a love song without using sexual innuendos. does any body agree with me?

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Christmas Shopping

Well folks, it's that time of the year again. Holiday music and cheer are coming out the wazoo when you hit the malls to shop for your loved ones. I don't mind being cheerful and wishing people merry Christmas or happy Hanukkah or whatever you want to hear, but the Christmas music just about drives me crazy. Playing it all month long, in my opinion, is meant to drive me crazy. I know that some people like to listen to it though, so I don't make too big a deal of it. What really drives me crazy is the shopping itself. On Sunday I took my soon to be 13 year old brother Christmas shopping for our mom, and he hates shopping for anyone but himself. Taking a kid shopping who doesn't want to be there is a pretty big challenge during Christmas because of all the other shoppers. Of course, being an eighth grader, he doesn't want to hold my hand and I was constantly losing him in the crowd. We eventually made it to HMV and found the presents we needed but we spent almost half an hour looking at things my brother wanted and not things he wanted to buy my mother. Christmas shopping can be very stressful, but thankfully, this years shopping is done.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

the end of bridge

The Bridge semester is coming to a close, and my assignments are done. All that's left is my exams. so there is still the slight possibility that i may fail critical thinking :( though my developmental psychology mark is pretty amazing. ive never really excelled in schoolwork, but i really enjoyed this course. in second semester i should be starting the technology bridge program. im pretty excited for that one. tv and radio! is there a subject that you did really well in? one that you love? i used to be pretty into history, until my history teacher decided to teach it in the worst way possible :(

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

sitting in class blogging is technically doing school work. but maybe i should get some more stuff done? or i should blog more. maybe play a bit of pokemon. cus im cool like that.


sometimes people really annoy me. just things they say or do dont sit well with me. and its usually on a day that im already in a bad mood. something as simple as sitting next to me on the bus when there are other open seats, makes me mad. is it just me? or does this happen to you guys too? and im too nice to say anything. maybe its my canadian mentality :P or maybe its just that im uncomfortable talking to new people? either way no, i wont move my backpack because you touched it and want to sit there lady. look behind you, theres another empty seat  and the bus is almost empty -.- i will move my bag when i see the bus start to fill up. if that makes me a bad person, im sorry. i feel closterphobic on the bus as it is. i will avoid feeling even more trapped as often as i can.

Twilight...yes i know..

ive been looking up twilight blogs and i have one question for so called twihards. where are the blogs about jasper and alice or rosalie and emmett or carlisle and esme? are they not good enough for you? because i love jasper and alice far more than edward and bella. and if stephanie meyer were to write a book about them, i would be first in line to buy those books. their story interests me more. i love jasper. hes sweet and kind and has that crooked smile that drives me insane, whereas edwards looks awkward and unnatural. i know most twilight fans probably dont agree with me but thats okay. dare to be different. i love jasper and alice more than edward and bella, and seth more than jake(though i do love jake).  but on the whole i am team twilight. sorry to all you out there who hate twilight with a passion. its a guilty pleasure and i love it xD

Monday, 3 December 2012

group projects

working with others is always frustrating. it becomes even more frustrating when people don't show up or do their work. how are we supposed to finish an assignment in two weeks when the teacher purposely puts us in groups with people she knows wont show up or do their work? it just drags the rest of us down, and some of us need a good mark on this assignment to survive the course. rawr people.

Saturday, 1 December 2012

playing pokemon

when pokemon came out i was three. and even though the show no longer appeals to me, but i still love the games. what about you guys?