Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Christmas Shopping

Well folks, it's that time of the year again. Holiday music and cheer are coming out the wazoo when you hit the malls to shop for your loved ones. I don't mind being cheerful and wishing people merry Christmas or happy Hanukkah or whatever you want to hear, but the Christmas music just about drives me crazy. Playing it all month long, in my opinion, is meant to drive me crazy. I know that some people like to listen to it though, so I don't make too big a deal of it. What really drives me crazy is the shopping itself. On Sunday I took my soon to be 13 year old brother Christmas shopping for our mom, and he hates shopping for anyone but himself. Taking a kid shopping who doesn't want to be there is a pretty big challenge during Christmas because of all the other shoppers. Of course, being an eighth grader, he doesn't want to hold my hand and I was constantly losing him in the crowd. We eventually made it to HMV and found the presents we needed but we spent almost half an hour looking at things my brother wanted and not things he wanted to buy my mother. Christmas shopping can be very stressful, but thankfully, this years shopping is done.

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